Weekly Community Prayer Focus:
Please print the following prayer focus in your church bulletin, then during Sunday worship invite your congregation to pray.
This month our community prayer focus will be:
Week of May 7: Men: Please pray for the young men and the old men of your congregation (Joel 2:28) that they may rise into the fullness of Christ’s calling on them. Pray each will stand strong in the battle against evil and for righteousness. Please pray each will take his place serving needs and leading with vision in the community. Many men have few close personal male friends. Please pray your congregation will be the exception.
Week of May 14: Women: Please pray for women under the burden of multiple roles in family and society. Please pray for young mothers often seeking to balance culture-building at home with contributing economically and otherwise outside of the home. Pray for widows, women alone and for strong godly female models for girls and teens. Pray for deep, sustaining relationship with Christ Jesus in the storms of life.
Week of May 21: Disciples: Please pray for the paradigm shift involved in the Body of Christ as we move to seeing ourselves primarily as disciples of Jesus Christ, and secondarily as church members. Pray we grow equally as disciples (who love, learn and obey Jesus) and as disciple makers (who share time with those who don’t know Jesus and invite them to follow Jesus with you). Resources: Disciple by Juan Carlos Ortiz or writings of Francis Chan or Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship.
Week of May 28: Prayer: Pray that the prayer practices of Jesus in the Gospels would be our prayer practices. (Suggestion: read of the Gospels with notepad, noting Jesus’ practices and relationship with our Father in Heaven.) Pray that the Lord will raise the value of this daily deep and devoted prayer in the life of each disciple in our congregation. Pray for prayer group leaders in your congregation. Pray that your and every church will be a prayer-saturated church. (https://prayridgemeadows.com)
Week of June 4: Pentecost Prayer Walking – As the Holy Spirit empowers the church for mission, this week we step out to pray for the city https://prayforridgemeadows.com. Please pray we will prayer walk the 700 streets of the city and pray grace, healing and a witness to Christ for every household. Pray for fruitful conversations as you walk and pray. Pray caring conversations will result in spiritual conversations plowing the soil for a bountiful harvest to the Kingdom.
Week of June 11: Love for Neighbour – Let’s pray for the many people of our who received prayer during last week as we prayer walked our city (www.prayridgemeadows.com). Please pray for neighbours on your street or in our apartment, that the Lord would increase your love for them and build relationship for their good. Pray for three neighbours you may know by name. Pray they too would come to know the Lord.
Week of June 18: Hospitality to Neighbours – Let’s pray the Lord would build community between neighbours on your street or in your apartment building. Pray the Lord would use social opportunities the summer affords for deepening community. Pray the Lord would open homes between neighbours for hospitality. Pray for connection with a person of peace on your street or in your apartment building who might be a bridge for a block party.
Week of June 25: Kingdom Blessings – Let’s pray for Christ’s Kingdom blessing on your street or apartment building. Pray for courage to offer to pray for neighbour’s needs as they share. Ask the Lord how you can be a blessing to your street or apartment building. Ask if there are other followers of Christ on your street or apartment with whom you could pray and collaborate to bless your neighbourhood and bring the fragrance of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:14).
PPT Template: To use a PPT slide identifying your congregation with the wider church in the city please click here.
To revisit a previous prayer focus: please click here