Jesus called His disciples to pray for laborers to go into the harvest (Luke 10:2). We pray this prayer for Jesus’ “Great Commission” to be fulfilled (Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 24:46ff, John 20:21, Acts 1:8, Acts 26:18).

Many Christians set their phone for 10:02 to remind them to pray as Jesus calls us to in Luke 10:02.

Let’s both pray and be those laborers who respond to Jesus’ prayer.

Prayer changes hearts. Disciple making begins with and is sustained by power from heaven through prayer. Have you made a list of friends who need to hear Christ’s call?

  • Start with 5 friends, neighbours, colleagues or family members and begin to pray daily. Here is a way to pray for each person for a month without repetition: download here
  • Here is a way to expand your vision further: do you know 100 people not yet following Jesus?

If your church is looking for assistance in disciple-making, consider:

Start at home

  • God and Kids @ Home is a series of topics and questions for discussion with our children. These can be used during mealtimes or during a family walk or when tucking our children into bed. Download here.


  • You will find challenging but this is precisely the sense of the call to discipleship any reader of the Gospels comes away with as we hear the call of Jesus to follow. If you or others in your home group or congregation are interested in a 10-week “seed-bed” group experience making disciples, please contact murraymoerman at

Seven question model

  • Less challenging but firmly focused on personal discipleship (my response to the Lordship of Christ) and disciple-making (inviting others to follow Jesus) is a simple seven question model of responding to the scriptures available here.  These can be used in your immediate household, home group or housechurch.

simplerLife Transformation Groups

  • This approach involves meeting with another believer to read scripture, share how you are growing in your discipleship and where you need prayer, and to pray for specific people to come to know and follow Christ. When your group grows to 4 (normally same-gender) people, the group divides to form two groups of two and continues until it grows and divides again into two groups of two.

simplest – pray, go to the mall or sit on a park bench, talk to people, offer to pray for needs and follow where the Holy Spirit leads…

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