Calling all parents (and grandparents) of Ridge-Meadows students!
Here’s a great opportunity to make a spiritual investment in your children’s lives as well as in your community. It’s easy, and it’s as important and as natural as breathing.
It’s called: Prayer Walking around the Education Mountain
Do you take your children or grandchildren to school? If so, after you drop the little darlings off, why not arrange with other parents, one day a week, to walk around the school for 15 minutes, praying for the occupants?
Or half an hour?
Or two days a week?
You decide on the logistics.
Prayer Walking around schools has been practiced for years in other places with some amazing results. One high school in North Vancouver was literally delivered from gang activity, violence and drugs when mothers of their teen students decided to make prayer walking a weekly practice for a year.
Other parents once provided a monthly staffroom treat for the teachers, which they delivered along with a note thanking the staff for their hard work and letting them know that parents were praying for them regularly.
Christian teachers were greatly encouraged, and non-Christian teachers were impressed. So the original idea evolved into something that had a positive impact, not only on the spiritual atmosphere of the school, but on the spiritual well-being and morale of the administrators, he teachers and support workers.
It’s certainly important to pray for the powers that perch at the top of the Spiritual Mountains in our community and in our land. But Jesus’ example shows us a different approach. He saved the world while walking from village to village, loving and caring for the people who wandered around the base of the mountains. He gave His life for the little people.
He taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” and His Kingdom came. And it continues to come, as we walk this earth with prayerful hearts.